Summer Fun

I love the summer time.  There are so many fun things to do.

Fun at the creek

Caleb is going to be a warrior in a parade this week.   Tam helped him make most of his outfit a couple weeks ago.  I scraped a cowhide and helped him make a rawhide shield.  He is pretty much set except for making a spear.  Friday we went to the creek to find him a spear shaft.  I think that Brennen and Caza had the most fun there; running through the water, climbing the banks, making sand castles, etc.

Let's Play!

Brennen and Caza building sand castles

I'll help carry it.

Can I help carry it?

Fun at the lake

We have had some pretty warm weather this summer (we always do.)  Cazadora doesn’t seem to mind at all, especially when she gets to play in the water.  As you can see in the following pictures, she is just terrified of the water!. lol

I'll get it.

I’ll get it.

It may be fun chasing dummies, but there is nothing like the real thing.  This is Caza on her first duck retrieve from the lake.

My first duck!

My first duck!

I got it!

I got it!

Protecting the Garden

One of the drawbacks to living in the country is that the wildlife loves to eat your garden as much as you do.  I really don’t like the rabbits eating my plants, especially before I get to harvest from them.  Caza doesn’t seem to mind though, as she gets to retrieve them after they get caught red handed.  She is great at finding them and loves picking them up and carrying them.  We do need to work on her delivery though.  She seems to think that if she goes and gets it then it is hers. We are working on it!

Unfortunately, I don’t have any pics of her bunny retrieves.  I am sure I will before summer is over.

This coming week

Hopefully, we are going to get out of town this weekend and get into some wild birds.

Other than that, we will do the same old things…hikes, tracking, some basic obedience, and most of all….have fun.

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